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Правила чтения

Reading rules / Правила чтения


  1. Чтение гласных букв.
  2. Чтение гласных буквосочетаний.
  3. Чтение согласных буквосочетаний.
  4. Чтение букв С и G перед гласными e i y.
  5. Exercises / Упражнения.

1.3.1. Чтение гласных букв.


Алфавитное название буквы В конце слова
гласная согласная гласная + r гласная +r +e (+ согласная)
А а [ ei ] [ ei ] take  ] cat [ a: ] car  ] care
O o [ u ] u ] rose  ] dog : ] for : ] more
U u [ ju: ] [ ju: ] use  ] cup [: ] fur [ u ] sure
E e [ i: ] [ i: ] Pete [ e ] pet : ] her [ i ] here
I i / Y y [ ai / wai ] [ ai ] Mike
[ ai ] fly
[ i ] pig
[ i ] system
[ ai ] tyre



1.3.2. Чтение гласных буквоcочетаний.

oo [ u ] look, book, cook, good, foot
[ u: ] pool, school, Zoo, too
ee [ i: ] see, bee, tree, three, meet
ea [ i: ] tea, meet, eat, read, speak, clean, please
BUT: [ e ] bread, head, breakfast, healthy
au [ ei ] away, play, say, may ,today
ey grey, they



1.3.3. Чтение согласных буквосочетаний.


ck [ k ] black, stick
ng  ] sing, bring, ring, reading
sh  ] she, shop, fish
ph [ f ] phone, photograph
[ v ] nephew
th  ] this, that, the
 ] thank, thick
[ t ] Thames
wh [ w ] when, white, why
BUT: [ h ] Who
kn [ n ] know, knife
wr [ r ] write, wrong
gh [ f ] ehough
[ - ] high
gn [ n ] sign
ss [ s ] possible
 ] pressure
sc [ sk ] screen
[ s ] scene
nk k ] think
ch [ t ] chess
[ k ] chemistry
 ] machine
tch [ t ] match
qu [ kw ] question



1.3.4. Чтение букв С и G перед гласными e i y.


c [ s ] city, pencil, nice
g [ d ] large, orange, page



1.3.5. Exercises / Упражнения


  1. Exercise 1
    Answer keys to Exercise 1
  2. Exercise 2
    Answer keys to Exercise 2
  3. Exercise 3
    Answer keys to Exercise 3
  4. Exercise 4
    Answer keys to Exercise 4
  5. Exercise 5
    Answer keys to Exercise 5
  6. Exercise 6
    Answer keys to Exercise 6
  7. Exercise 7
    Answer keys to Exercise 7
  8. Exercise 8
    Answer keys to Exercise 8
  9. Exercise 9
    Answer keys to Exercise 9
  10. Exrecise 10
    Answer keys to Exercise 10
  11. Exercise 11
    Answer keys to Exercise 11
  12. Exercise 12
    Answer keys to Exercise 12
  13. Exercise 13
    Answer keys to Exercise 13
  14. Exercise 14
    Answer keys to Exercise 14

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Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: severka (22.11.2014)
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