Главная » 2015 » Июнь » 16 » some , any , much , many , a few , a little , a lot of
some , any , much , many , a few , a little , a lot of

Местоимения SOME и ANY на русский язык переводятся как – несколько, некоторое количество. Но: SOME употребляется в утвердительных предложения, а ANY в отрицательных и вопросительных.


ANY I don`t want any Have you any s ? There are no any s in the zoo. Are there any s in the street ?


SOME I have some s Give me some s We see some s They have some s There are some s on the tree.

Вставьте вместо пропусков some или any

1. We haven`t got______milk.

2. Bob likes ______sugar in his tea.

3. She has_____money.

4. Are there ______pictures in his book?

5. I cannot see ______children in the yard.

6. I need_____carrots, onions and cabbage.

7. There is no______tea in my cup.

8. He has _____modern hats at home

MANY, MUCH, A LOT OF переводятся как МНОГО. Но: MANY употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными, MUCH с неисчисляемыми, A LOT OF и с теми, и с другими

MANY, MUCH, A LOT OF переводятся как МНОГО. Но: MANY употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными, MUCH с неисчисляемыми, A LOT OF и с теми, и с другими



MANY We don`t need many s in the room. I don`t eat many s. There are many s in the kitchen- garden. I see many s in the yard.

MUCH Do you have much ? There is no much in the tap. You must not eat much I don`t drink much

Вставьте вместо пропусков much или many 

1.She ate __ice-cream and has got a sore throat.

2. Have you _____work to do? 

3. There are_____many apples on the plate. 

4. I spend _____time for reading. 

5. Children have brought_____mushrooms. 

6. Pupils have ______questions. 

7. He made _____ mistakes in reading. 8. Do you have_____money?

Местоимения LITTLE и FEW на русский язык переводятся как – мало. Но: FEW употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными, а LITTLE с неисчисляемыми

FEW There are few s in the zoo. There are few s in the vase. I can see few s on the farm. There are few s in my schoolbag.

LITTLE There is little in the sauce-pan. We can see little in the darkness. I have little in my pocket. There is little in the river.

Вставьте вместо пропусков LITTLE и FEW

1.There is ______milk in the bottle. 

2.He has ______English books at home. 

3.Give me ______money, I haven`t got any. 

4.We have very _____time, hurry up! 

5.She received _____letters from her granny. 

6.I have _____work for today. 

7.There is _____salt in the soup. 

8.Put _____lemons in your basket.

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